Wednesday, February 11, 2015

(TH101)Peer Comparison case study - Testing of Hypothesis

Business Problem

     This is a peer comparison project. Suppose that you are working for Samsunge in customer experience management team. The idea is to regularly monitor the customer satisfaction levels and peer company moves. The competitor company is Appleo. The objective is to test two main hypothesis.
1.The Samsunge Average customer satisfaction score is minimum 75%.
2.The overall average satisfaction score of Samsunge is same as  Appleo. There is no significant difference in the satisfaction scores

It might be possible that both hypothesis are correct, one of them is correct or both of them are wrong. Perform the relevant testing to verify these assumptions

The Data

The data is collected for 100 Samsunge customers and 100 Appleo customers. Their satisfaction scores are recorded. The sample represent the data and it is unbiased


Download the data and import it to SAS

Take Samsunge_Score Coolum
Identify the right test(Testing sample mean)
Accept or reject the null hypothesis based on P-value
Calculate the mean of Samsunge and Appleo
Perform mean comparison test / two sample equal mean tes
Accept or reject null hypothesis based on P-Value


Chapter -8 Testing of Hypothesis from the book Practical Business Analytics Using SAS: A Hands-on Guide
SAS code from Chapter-8 of the book Practical Business Analytics Using SAS: A Hands-on Guide
Case study id: TH 101-Peer Comparison

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